Keyboard and Mouse Cleaner v1.0

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  • Version 1.0
  • Download 6079
  • File Size 141.99 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date 17 February, 2013
  • Last Updated 28 October, 2018

Keyboard and Mouse Cleaner v1.0

A couple days ago I went to clean my keyboard to remove dust, but my computer was turned on. Because I couldn’t shut it down, or didn’t want to, because I had some files and programs opened, I wasn’t able to clean the keyboard at that time, because if I did, I would mess it up when I was pressing keys while cleaning…

To solve this problem, I remembered to create the Keyboard and Mouse Cleaner software!

So, how does this works…?

…It’s a very simple but powerful application. You just need to choose the cleaning time (ex: 60 seconds) and press the big broom icon.

For those 60 seconds (or the time you chose), your keyboard and mouse will be disabled, so you can clean it without worrying to press any keys and accidentally shut down your computer.

This little tool is available in English and Portuguese. If you have an idea for a new feature for this software, please let us know.

This is a freeware and you don’t have to pay for this, but any donations will be much appreciated and give me strength to continue to develop free applications for you!

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